Nature’s Highway is dedicated to introducing consumers to the life changing potential of CBD and its family of other relevant cannaboiniods. We pride ourselves on providing the purest, highest quality hemp products at the most competitive prices. A promise made possible by keeping every step of production in-house and operating with full transparency. Each CBD wellness product is pharmacist formulated, ensuring the highest quality product from our farm to you and your family.
Our hemp is organically grown in Neeses, SC on our 3rd generation family farm, Carolina Fresh Farms, founded in the late 1940’s. Nature’s Highway founders come from humble beginnings uniquely similar to the founders of Carolina Fresh Farms, the Fogle family.
"I run my bulldozer every day. Andy makes most of the (business) decisions. I make a few. I mostly sit around and eat peanuts," says Fogle, laughing.
Our farm today, is not only one of the largest hemp family owned farms in SC, but also one of the largest producers of sod in the United States. With more than 3,000 acres of irrigated land, we are blessed and humbled to carry our family roots forward and offer the same local and hand-crafted ingenuity to our next generation.
We welcome you to visit our SC farm online and in person so you can see where our locally grown hemp is grown, dried and manufactured.